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Oops… Bad Gateway!

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  • #3399

    For the first time i have this warning massage:

    Oops… Bad Gateway!

    I bought a new pc with Windows 10. I configured static ip, as always.

    My pc is called “PietroPCNuovo” with the ip address “”.

    I renamed and saved it into pcwrt. The pc is visible in the status page and in the Network Settings into “Hostnames and Static Leases” as avery device i had.

    But when i go to create a new profile in the access control for this new pc i have this warning message.

    In “cmd” ipconfig /all it’s all right, i tried to reboot the router and the pc many times with no effect.

    really i don’t know what i have to do.


    Do you mean you can’t assign this PC to a profile? You got “Bad Gateway” after clicking Save? Is the profile created if you reload the Access Control page after you see the Bad Gateway message?


    So, it’s really strange. It’s possible to create a new profile with the black and white list empty ONLY.

    Follow me in the speech; when you want to create a new profile, pcwrt autofill the white and black list automatically, it takes those lists from the others profiles.

    If i click “New Profile” and those box are autofill, pcwrt will give me “Bad Gateway!”.

    If i click “New Profile” and i erase everything in the black and white list pcwrt will create a new profile without any error.

    Anyway i’ll make you a video for a better explanation.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Casino.

    Email sent.


    After one and a half days the problem has been solved. I’ve completely reset the router, i’ve totally set it up again, without the “restore backup”.

    Restoring the backup gave me all those problems, a living hell, and i don’t know why.

    I just hope it doesn’t happen the next time i do a restore backup.


    Glad you have the problem resolved! Usually, restore backup should not be a problem, unless the backup is really old. The rule of thumb is, you should create a new backup and discard any old backups each time after a new firmware update. Well, maybe keep the previous backup too in case you want to roll back to the previous version.


    Ok, the problem isn’t the backup. I’ve just updated pcWRT to the version 2.0.5, then, after some days, i made a change in the black & white list…….. BAD GIVEAWAY!

    It’s not possible to do this story every time the router update itself. Now i have to completely reset the router to make the things works again.


    @casino Your black/white list is too long for the router to process in time. The router was still processing the list while the browser timed out. That’s why you get “bad gateway”. We’ll make improvement to this page in a future release. But for now, you need to make your list shorter.

    Generally speaking, the black list & white list you enter in the profiles are for exception handling. They are not expected to be big lists. The majority of the filtering should be done by the DNS service you choose. If you get a list from the web, a lot of the entries might be filtered by the DNS service already.

    Additionally, you can use the “approximate” match to make your black/white list shorter. Here are some examples:

    1. If you entered “~\<pinterest.”, then you don’t need to enter the individual pinerest domains.
    2. If you want to block all domains containing the word “proxy”, just enter “~proxy”. Similarly, “~porn” blocks all domains containing the string “porn”, “~unblock” blocks all domains containing the word “unblock”.

    And, you can use port ranges instead of listing individual ports, e.g., “:6660-7000T” blocks all TCP ports from 6660 to 7000.


    Your advices are really good! I checked my .txt file, and infact there are MANY sites that there are alread blocked, i deleted them.

    Waiting for un update about this, thanks.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Casino.

    Has been this problem solved with the firmware 2.0.6?


    @casino This has been fixed in 2.0.6

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