
Home Forums Feature Suggestions Add wired Dumb AP that takes over VLANs

Add wired Dumb AP that takes over VLANs

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  • #5167


    PcWrt is great because of its simplicity. What I miss, compared with OpenWrt, is the possibility to chain together two routers, where one router acts as the main router, and the second router is just a dumb access point, that is connected to the main router via wire, and takes over the VLANs and wireless networks from the main router. This can be set up via VLAN tagging and a trunk ethernet port on both routers. This image explains what I would like to achieve:

    VLAN tagging wifi

    The picture is taken from this youtube video, which explains how this can be set up using OpenWrt.

    Would it be possible to add this feature pcwrt?

    Kind regards,

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by samwrt.

    Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll look into this.

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