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Calendar Configuration


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    The instructions for the calendar do not seem particularly clear, but it looks to me like you enter the sites you want to block in the “sites” box.

    I’m curious how to shut the internet off at night for my teens. If that’s the approach for the calendar, I certainly can’t list all sites on the internet, unless wildcards are somehow supported (http://*.*).

    The calendar feature seems the least developed. It would be helpful to be able to select categories – social media – rather than list individual websites. My teens are on social media sites I haven’t even heard of. I can block Netflix and Youtube, but with the router’s current approach, as I understand it, I can’t block things I haven’t heard of.


    The router arrived today, a day early! The calendar feature is the one thing that I just don’t get. I tried leaving it blank – to apply to all sites – and dragged the slider over the nighttime hours. That resulted in all sites being blocked in the day. I tried to reverse it, and slide the slider over the daytime hours – on the logic that maybe that spaces left blank were the time slots blocked – and all sites were still blocked.

    I’ll keep at it. I love a good challenge, but I’d appreciate any advice.


    OK, I think I’ve got it. Creating a calendar with no sites listed – an everything calendar – will block everything during times that are not selected. I think I was not waiting long enough for the router settings to take effect when I was first working on it.

    An entirely blank everything calendar would block all sites all the time.

    It’s difficult because it is the opposite of what I would expect. I think of the calendar as an active blocking strategy. My impulse would be to create a social networking calendar, and then block off the times I did not want them on social networks, not the other way around.

    Thanks for bearing with me.


    @Paul, when you put time slots on the Calendar, the shaded areas are the allowed times. The blank areas are blocked times. If you click the Text tab, you’ll see a list of time slots, like this:

    03:00 am – 06:30 am
    11:30 am – 03:00 pm

    That means the web sites listed for the Calendar (or all sites if none listed) are available from 3:00am to 6:30am, then again from 11:30am to 3:00pm.

    Also please note that you enter sites, i.e., domain names or partial domain names here. So “http://” or “https://” are not needed. For example, covers all yahoo domains, such as,, etc. If you enter edu or .edu (both are equivalent), it covers all domains under the .edu TLD.


    @Paul, you beat me to it :). I was writing the note then a phone call came in…


    I just got my router yesterday, and am just setting it up. One question. Is there a single button that can disable wi-fi for a particular device without using the Calendar?


    @Max You can use the MAC Filter function in Wireless Settings to block a particular device. Select “Deny listed MAC Addresses”, enter the MAC address manually or use the glass icon to look up the device.

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