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Can't log into luci


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    I just upgraded to the Gigabit dual band router and everything is working great except I’m not able to log in using luci. and I get a log in prompt, but after entering the password, the log in screen just loads again. I can log into the PCWRT interface just fine with the same password.

    Has luci been disabled in the latest build or do I need to set a password for luci separately?


    Luci has been removed in the latest update. Do you have any specific needs for Luci?


    I find it easier to do some advanced settings than adding firewall rules via uci commands. My network is a little non-standard in that my router and a few other machines are behind a cable modem, and most of the rest of the devices are behind the router. So I needed to poke a hole through the firewall to allow access to the WAN. I realize most people wouldn’t need to do this and there are other ways to make the changes, but I prefer LUCI.


    @BashDashovi When you say poke a hole for WAN access, do you mean port forwarding?


    I’m not sure if what I did qualifies as port forwarding, I’m allowing tcp on port 80 from the WAN so that I can configure the router from its WAN (all still in my home’s LAN).

    Here are the commands I ran after sshing in:

    (NOTE: For those who come across this: DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! This creates a huge security hole in most circumstances!)
    uci add firewall rule
    uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src=wan
    uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target=ACCEPT
    uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto=tcp
    uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port=80
    uci commit firewall
    /etc/init.d/firewall restart

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by BashDashovi.

    You can set this up by creating a port forwarding rule on the Network Settings page. Select the router for Internal Address.

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