You’ve had the experience. You looked at something on a shopping site, then that thing follows you all around the Internet. It feels creepy.
Trust me, those companies take privacy very seriously – their privacy. You see, you looked at the pair of shoes you later bought. The shopping site knew that you looked at the pair of shoes. The advertising network knew that too. But when you bought the pair of shoes, the shopping site kept that a secret. The advertising network didn’t know that, so it followed you around the Internet showing the same pair of shoes you already bought.
How can advertising networks follow you around? There are many ways. Here’s a good write up:
How cookies track you around the web and how to stop them
Chris Yiu had a very informative thread on twitter detailing the multiple ways advertisers can follow you around.
But how can you stop them from following you around? With so many always connected gadgets around you, and so many different ways to snoop on you, there’s probably no way to completely avoid it, at least no easy way. However, there are things you can do to eliminate some of the tracking:
Where is the Access Control Page??
You can find more details here: